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Benefits of Studying in Canada as International Student

Canada is one of the world’s leading study destinations for many reasons, not the least of which is its open and welcoming attitude toward international students. In January of 2014, the Canadian Minister of International Trade released Canada’s International Education Strategy which, among other objectives, aims to double the number of international students and researchers in Canada. 

In 2016, the Immigration Minister implemented some changes in the immigration that effectively eases path to permanent residency for International Students.  If you are dreaming to become a permanent resident of Canada, Studying in Canada as International Student will give you several immigration pathways.  You will have many options on how to apply for permanent resident status after you graduated.  That is if you did right.

Choice of School
Canada offers many choices of school and programs for International Students.  The school you have chosen should be listed in the Designated Learning Institutions.  If you plan to work in Canada after your studies, be very sure that that the school and program you've chosen is eligible for a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP).

Benefits of Studying in Canada as International Student

The PGWPP allows students who have graduated from a participating Canadian post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience. A work permit under the PGWPP may be issued for the length of the study program, up to a maximum of three years.  To be eligible, you must have graduated from:
  • a public post-secondary institution, such as a college, trade/technical school, university or CEGEP (in Quebec), or
  • a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions, or
  • a private secondary or post-secondary institution (in Quebec) offering qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer leading to a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) or an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP), or
  • a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees but only if you are enrolled in one of the programs of study leading to a degree as authorized by the province and not in all programs of study offered by the private institution.
Education Agents who are not Authorized to provide Immigration Advice may not be able to explain this to you clearly.  If you take a program that is not PGWP eligible, you will have to go back to your home country after finishing your program.  You can't work in Canada unless you find an employer who is willing to sponsor you.  Avoid Education Trafficking

Cost of Studying in Canada
Studying in Canada as International Student may be costly.  But if you are one of those who are willing to pay as much $20,000 just to have a job offer in Canada and eventually get a permanent resident status (without guarantee), I can't see why you will not consider the study visa pathway as an option.

Average tuition for a one year program in Canada is around CAD15,000.  Your living expenses to cover your accommodation, food transportation and other expenses for one year is around CAD10,000.  

Bringing your family to Canada
As International Student, you are allowed to bring your family with you.  Your spouse and kids may join you in Canada as your dependents, subject to visa screening of course.  If approved, your spouse may work full time during the duration of your authorized period of stay in Canada.  Your school-aged kids may study as well in Canada - for FREE! That's because your child has a right to go to school.

Dual Intent
Study Visa is a temporary resident visa. And as such, you need to convince the Visa Officer of your genuine intention to study and that you will leave Canada after your authorized period of stay, that there is an incentive for you to go back to your home country.  Can you apply for study visa then while you are waiting to be selected under the Express Entry System and or other Immigration Programs?

Yes.  Dual Intent Application is allowed.  In fact, we have many clients who did that and are now in Canada. 

Information about visa application to Canada is available for FREE at http://cic.gca.ca

Only ICCRC Registered Immigration Consultants or Canadian Immigration Lawyers are authorized to represent you for a fee. Clients of Canadian Immigration Consultancy are represented by an ICCRC Registered Immigration Consultant.

Interested to Study, Work and Live in Canada? Do you need help? Here's what you may do: