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How to Apply for Visa to Canada

Welcome to Gateway to Canada!  Your journey to a better life in Canada begins here.

How to Apply for Visa to Canada

This is not a legal advice.  Information about Canadian Visa Application is available for free at http://cic.gc.ca.   Hiring the services of Immigration Lawyer/Consultant is not mandatory in applying for Canadian Visa.  

But if you think you need help, deal only with Authorized Representatives (Registered Immigration Consultant or Canadian Lawyer)  

Remember, however, that small mistakes may cause big problems. 

Why take the risk?  

Depending on your purpose and your circumstances, there are many ways to apply for Canada Visa.  There are generally two categories of Canadian Visa: Temporary Resident Visa and Permanent Resident Visa.

Temporary Resident Visa is for those who want to temporarily stay in Canada as:
When applying for Temporary Resident Visa, you need to provide documentation to convince the Visa Officer of your genuine intention to stay in Canada temporarily and that you have strong ties in the Philippines as a compelling reason to go back.  You will have a better chance of approval if you have previous travel abroad, with real properties, gainfully employed or is engaged in business.

Permanent Resident Visa is for those who want to live in Canada permanently.  Permanent Residents in Canada may apply for Canadian Citizenship. These are some of the programs to get a  Permanent Residence status in Canada:
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trade Class
  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Self-Employed Class
  • Provincial Nominee Program
  • Family Class Sponsorship
Except for Family Class Sponsorship, IELTS Examination is mandatory.  Express Entry System manages almost all of Canada's Economic Class Immigration Programs. Right now, priority is being given to those who are already in Canada either as International Student or Temporary Foreign Worker.  You also have an advantage if you have a permanent and full time job offer.

Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trade Class and the Canadian Experience Class applications are currently being processed under the Express Entry System. 

Find out if you are eligible in any of Canada's Visa Programs by filling out the online assessment form.

Take our FREE Online Assessment.