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Help is available, why take the risk?

Indeed, it is not mandatory to hire the services of Immigration Lawyer/Consultant in processing visa application to Canada.  All the information is available for free at http://cic.gc.ca.

But having been in the business for almost 30 years already and with your best interest in mind, we feel obliged to inform you of your options and the consequences of your choices.   

As a permanent resident of Canada, you and your family will be entitled to various social benefits such as free health care, free education for your kids, allowance for your kids, retirement benefits and great income opportunity, etc.  You have the education and experience that makes you eligible to immigrate to Canada.  And there is help available to make your chances higher.  Why take the risk?

Help is available, why take the risk?
Image: denniscummins.com
Take a look at these cases to understand where we are coming from:

While Dr. Alvaro, a dentist, was in the office to receive his permanent resident visa, another dentist dropped by our to seek help for his refused Immigrant Visa Application after processing application on his own. 

Dr. Daran is very grateful to Canadian Immigration Consultancy for having her PR Visa Application approved.  First, her application was rejected due to alleged incomplete documentation.  We challenged the decision and was immediately considered for processing.  But in the middle of processing, her husband passed away and as a result, her score (points system) was reduced.  We made an appeal and her application was approved.  An advantage you will get with an experienced Immigration Lawyer/Consultant assisting you with your application.  

Here's a case where an applicant who sent his application on his own timely, but with incomplete documents and application forms. His application was returned unprocessed and it's too late for him to submit a new one due to the limit on the number of applications to be accepted. 

When you’re sick, you go to a doctor. You see a dentist when you have problem with your teeth.  You hire a mechanic for your car troubles. You want to live and work in Canada but don't have an idea where to start?  You have a couple of options.

Visit http://cic.gc.ca to get all the information for free and do-it-yourself.   Or get an expert to help you. 

We can only make a suggestion.  But at the end of the day, it's you who will decide for yourself.  Whenever you are ready and if you think we could be of help, let's set an appointment to start the process.  

We would be glad to have you included in the roll of our successful clients who are now enjoying a better quality of life in Canada.